“Shaping Cities Through Culture” – Workshop with Cultural Workers in Tehran
In collaboration with the Municipality of Tehran, the Alfred Herrhausen Society and LSE Cities hosted the workshop “Shaping Cities Through Culture”, which took place in Tehran in September 2015. Artists, architects, politicians and scholars from Great Britain, Germany and Iran addressed the interdependency of cultural production and urbanity.

Together with Ali Moallem Damghani (poet and president of the Academy of Arts of Iran), university professors Seyyed Golamreza Eslami, Asghar Fahimifar and Richard Burdett, Tim Renner (Berlin’s State Secretary for Cultural Affairs), Justine Simons (Head for Culture to the Mayor of London) and Michael Naumann (former Minister of State for Culture and current director of Barenboim-Said Academy), Michael Schindhelm discussed the topic “Urban Citizenship: The Role of Culture”.